Don’t give up after mistakes are made
Last week we talked about Peter denying Jesus in spite of his devotion to our Savior. Even though we were disappointed by Peter’s actions – many of us have denied Jesus in various ways. In our families, work environments, and personal behavior we deny Christ and say it’s to keep the peace. Sometimes we cross the line and allow our eyes to see what is not pleasing to God. We may say that’s because of our culture and it cannot be avoided. Other times when we could avoid exposing our spirit man to certain sin and denial of Christ – we are complacent. Christians are daily faced with the choice for sin. Be quick to repent whenever sin is committed. Even if sin has become a pattern – it’s never too late to repent. Peter’s experience is encouragement for us.
Jesus invested in Peter. Peter was the disciple who walked on water by faith.(Matt 14:28) Peter was there with Jesus to witness the transfiguration. At that time Peter saw Jesus, Moses, and Elijah in their spiritual bodies. The three of them had a conversation.(Matt 17:1-3) Peter was closer to Jesus than many of the disciples. Peter, James, and John often traveled with Jesus when the other disciples were not mentioned.
God received a return on his investment as Peter was influential in building the church. Peter was there on the day of Pentecost and addressed the crowd when the gift of speaking in tongues was given and they were filled with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:14-21) Peter healed a lame man by faith in Jesus. (Acts3:6) Peter vehemently preached the gospel and was put in prison. His stay was not long because an angel of the Lord broke his chains.(Acts 12:1-15)
Wherever you are in your walk with Christ – don’t give up. If you have made mistakes and you think God can’t use you – don’t give up. God is a forgiving God. God loves you beyond measure. When the trials of life knock you down or you feel like you have failed God – get back up. God still has a plan for your life! Never give up!
Be blessed