1 Kings 3:16-28
Today all over the world Mother’s Day is set aside to pay tribute to all mothers. Sometimes
in the hustle and the bustle of life we fail to honor the one who birth us into the world.
We all have stories of how our mothers have rescued us. Many times our moms got us
through science projects and math quizzes as well as our hurts, our pains and bruises we sustained.
We as Mothers need God’s wisdom to raise our children. Every child is different. I have two
daughters and I needed God’s wisdom in raising both of them. Each child was a different soil. I had to love and cultivate them with a different plow and a different tiller.
This story teaches us about motherhood in an unconventional way. The two mothers in I Kings conceived children in a house of prostitution. When the dispute came before King Solomon, it was a true test of wisdom. The king had to identify the Real/true mother of the one living child.
A few pointers and the action of a true mother:
Point#1 – A Mother does not have to be perfect (verses 16-20) – There are no perfect mothers. A
real mother loves her child enough to keep him or her safe.
Point # 2 – A Real Mother gets to know her children (verses 3:21-23)
Point #3 – A Real Mother considers her children before thinking of herself
(verses 3:24-28)
A real mother will not put her desires ahead of her children’s needs.
Point #4 – A Real Mother would do anything to preserve her child’s life. We see in our story
that this mother was willing to give up her child in order for him to live – rather than have her child killed to prove a point.
God is willing and able to assist all mothers when problems are encountered. In this story God not
only loved the mothers, he also loved the little babies. God has the wisdom required for parenting today. He can guide and provide for mothers in all of life’s situations. It doesn’t matter if you are a single mom, an adoptive mom, a step-mom or a mom with special situations. You name it, God will give you the wisdom required to make you the best Mom ever!
Blog Post contributed by Constance Walker