The Lord’s prayer as given to the disciples in Matthew 6:9-13 is a pattern for us to use in our personal prayers to the Almighty God. Within each line is meaning, supplication, and encouragement for our prayers.
Our Father which art in Heaven – recognize the Lord’s authority as leader
Which art in Heaven – God resides in a superior place
Hallowed be thy name – praying to a Holy God; the mention of His name is holy
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done – invite the leadership of God into your life
On earth – in our daily lives
As it is in Heaven – release authority to God; allow God to lead your life in the same manner as God rules the Heavenlies
Give us this day our daily bread – God desires to commune with us every day. God expects & wants us to ask for something. His help, His guidance, provision, protection and access. God provides whatever we need.
Forgive us our trespasses – when we ask God for anything – God wants us humble, not arrogant.
As we forgive those who trespass against us – God wants our behavior to resemble his behavior
Lead us not into temptation – protect us from our own selfish desires based on what feels good & looks good. Cause us to want what God wants for us. God wants to protect us from things and thoughts that lead us into dangerous places. Those dangerous places are where God’s will for your life and my life may easily be aborted and threatened.
Deliver us from evil -- prayer for protection from evil in the land
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory – God is supreme; above every situation, above every possibility.
Forever – God reigns forever. There is no limit on the power of God. God reigns for all time!