Be kind to others . . . they are the image of God!
Matt 25:34-46
Over the past week I have been drawn to read Matthew 25. In the text of this chapter of Matthew, Jesus illustrates the connection between how we treat other people with our treatment of God. God feels the kindness we show towards others as kindness towards Him. Also, when we neglect others God feels our neglect towards Him. That’s not all! Our treatment of others has great bearing on whether we spend eternity with God or with the Adversary!!(v34) (v41) (v46)
Verses 36 & 43 mention visiting people in prison. When I read those verses in the past – I thought of the institutionalized prison system in our country. This time I was reminded of prison as being a place of isolation and a kind of aloneness like none other. Prison is not restricted to a country’s institution – it can also be a place of personal isolation or group isolation because of shame, disease, or moral failure.
Each one of us is made in the image of God. (Gen 1:27) This is a reminder to take care of the people around you: family, friends, and new acquaintances. Handle God’s people with care. There is a blessing in it for you!
Be blessed!