The first recorded miracle performed by Jesus is in the book of John when Jesus turned the water into wine. (John 2:7-9) Jesus’ mother, Mary, knew Jesus was capable of meeting the need when she told him there was no more wine. It is always good to have family and friends close to us who know our God given gifts. Sometimes it takes someone close to us to push us to reach our potential.
When Mary told Jesus, “they have no wine”, Jesus was reluctant to respond. He seemed to think it was not time for him to begin to use his miracle working power to bless the world. Like Jesus, you too may be hesitant to use your God given gifts to bless the world. I encourage you to step out on faith. When you step out on faith . . . God will meet you there. The miracle will not occur until you start to move. If you don’t use your gift the miracle will never occur. As you move forward it is a signal for God to meet you with your miracle!
Be blessed