In John chapter 3 Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus about life. In that conversation Nicodemus is curious about the power Jesus displayed. Jesus shares some critical information when he let Nicodemus know – “you must be born again” to live with God for eternity. That message is still true for us today. (John 3:3)
Oftentimes, the word of God is a mystery with natural and spiritual meaning. Being born again means each one of us must make a decision to accept Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. When we make that decision – the Spirit of God has permission to guide our lives. As described in the text the Spirit of God begins to change our behavior. (John 3:5-8)
The difference in us may be compared to darkness and light. When we sit in a dark room for hours and go outside into the daylight sun - our eyes must adjust. The sun may seem too bright to tolerate without squinting or closing your eyes. You may need sunglasses, a hat, or some protective covering to stay in the sun. The same is true when you spend years of life in a sinful/darkened place with no moral or Christ centered compass for living. When you encounter the Holy Spirit - immediate discomfort sets in. What was acceptable to you in the past will no longer be acceptable because the light of God is present in your soul.
Darkness and light cannot be present at the same time. You may move from darkness to light but darkness and light do not coexist. When we live in darkness we follow our own thoughts and behavior apart from God. When we choose God’s way which is the light – we live under God’s guiding hand. Living in the light does not eliminate life’s difficulties but living in the light is better than anything we could accomplish in darkness without God. Then we receive the bonus . . . we get to live with God for eternity and eternity is a long time!!
Be blessed