
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
What is God asking you?

What is God asking you?

John 4

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well he asked a question to begin a conversation.(v7) His request for water was something she could easily give to him. The request for water drew the Samaritan woman into conversation with Jesus and allowed him to offer her the gift of eternal life.(v 10)

Later in the conversation Jesus asked the woman about her husband.(v16) That was another opportunity for the woman to see the blessing Jesus was to her. When Jesus let her know she had been married 5 times that got her attention.

If you have ever wondered why Jesus isolated you with questions about your life – know he did not need the answer. Whenever God asks you for anything – he wants to introduce you to something new. Whenever God asks you a question – he already knows the answer. He uses a question to draw your attention to a matter and enlighten you along the way.

The Samaritan woman became a witness for God the day she met Jesus. For each one of us God has a way to start the conversation. As he did with the Samaritan woman – there is a tailormade experience for you too. While you may already be born again Jesus always has something new to share with you. He may want to let you know what he called you to earth to do. He may want to show you how to advance in your career, how to bless somebody or how to remain strong in the midst of a struggle. As this woman can report – time spent with Jesus is never wasted. Spend time with the Father so you can hear what He is asking you. If you don’t know the answer – God will help you find the answer and God will provide everything you need.

Be blessed


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