
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
 Healing when the water moves

 Healing when the water moves

John 5:1-10

The people were waiting on the water to move to receive a healing. One man had been waiting for 38 years and he still had not been healed. When Jesus came on the scene -that man was healed even though the water did not move! We have learned through time – sickness is not simple. Yet we know with absolute certainty: God is capable of healing. When our prayers meet the will of the Father healing occurs.

In the text of John 5 the people seemed to have a major concern because Jesus was healing on the Sabbath. When you think about it – what better day for healing than on the Sabbath? The Sabbath day was the day for worship. Perhaps God was using the Sabbath Day healings as a demonstration of what he will do when his people come together for worship.

 The word “reciprocity” comes to mind. When we honor God with praise and worship – God responds by blessing his people. When you go to a worship service whether it be in your home on the computer screen, on your telephone, or in a church building, expect God to perform a miracle. Expect God to show up with a word of grace and comfort. Expect God to be everything you need and whatever you need. He is that kind of God!

 Psalm 27:13

God gives us hope

God gives us a reason to hold on

You have the seed to meet your need

You have the seed to meet your need

What is God asking you?

What is God asking you?