You have the seed to meet your need
John 6
In John 6 Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Jesus asked where they might buy food to feed all the people knowing he would provide a meal for the 5,000. Andrew may have been aware of what was about to happen when he told Jesus a lad had five loaves and two fish. Why would he mention this to Jesus?
In our lives there is lack in some area. Like the crowd around Jesus – we are not aware of how God will fulfill our need or solve the problem at hand. If you are called to do something and you feel unprepared – trust God. If you do not have the skills or abilities to do what God called you to do – trust God!
The two fish and five loaves were seed for a miracle. In the same way – whatever skill or gift you have is seed for a miracle. What you have is the only seed God needs to perform a miracle in your life. Present yourself as a willing vessel and God will use you to bless His people. God has a solution for every issue you encounter!
Be blessed