In John 12:1-12 Jesus attended a dinner in his honor. Mary and Martha were in attendance along with their brother, Lazarus, who was raised from the dead. In the midst of this social activity and in clear view of the guests – Mary worshipped God by anointing Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume! (V. 3) Judas Iscariot was upset about Mary’s act of worship because he thought the perfume was too expensive to use without making money. In today’s terms that perfume would be worth about $20,000!
Mary had a reputation for being a worshipper. (Luke 10:38-40) Like many of us today – she spent time with our Lord, listening and learning from God daily, and honoring him with her life. Worshippers are known in their families and friend circles as worshippers.
Martha was known for her gift of hospitality. (John12:2) Judas earned a reputation as a thief (v6) and Lazarus was known as the man Jesus raised from the dead.(v1) What are you known for?
Generally, a reputation is established based on your consistent behavior over time. In the case of Lazarus, Lazarus was a good friend of Jesus.’ Many times our reputation is established based on our associates.
Be reminded, you will become known for what you continue to repeat. Be encouraged today! If you have earned an unfavorable reputation – you can change at any time. Start doing whatever you can to bless God and bless other people. Your new behavior will eventually erase an unfavorable reputation. We are not locked in our past. Each new day presents an opportunity for change!
Be blessed