As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples he taught us a lifelong lesson to be passed from generation to generation. The act of washing feet was full of humility and honor. Jesus was showing the disciples how much he loved them as he fulfilled his calling to serve them. (John 13:1-9) Whenever you serve another person your body produces hormones which cause a feeling of grateful value. Serving others reduces stress and it creates a sense of appreciation in the person receiving the service.
Did Jesus reveal a secret for everyday life with this act of kindness? Each one of us is called to share our time, attributes, and resources with others. Whenever we participate in life with other people there is an experience of joy. As with Jesus, everyone you serve will not exhibit appreciation for your service. Judas Iscariot was there for the foot washing. Yet, he betrayed Jesus. That too is a lesson for us. When you give of yourself to others; the fact that one or some of those people will betray you is not enough of a reason to stop following the example Jesus left for us.
Continue to do good towards others. It may be temporarily painful when people you blessed with your whole heart treat you as though you never blessed them. Stay with the story – Judas soon regretted his betrayal of Jesus and took his own life. (Matt 27:3-8) The blessing of God flows through love. Continue to operate in love and God will demonstrate how good overcomes evil throughout your life!
Be blessed