In Mark 6:35-44 there is a marvelous story of how Jesus fed 5,000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Afterwards they had 12 baskets of left overs! That miracle is enough to get our attention but we need more than admiration in our day to day walk with God. We need to know how to receive a miracle in our own lives. Whenever God is in the midst of our situation – certain blessings are present. When we analyze the circumstances surrounding this miracle we find some actions Jesus and the disciples took in order to prepare themselves for this miracle from the Lord!
1. Jesus took Inventory: Jesus asked how much food they had. v38
2. The people sat in groups. This was organization and preparation to receive the blessing. v39-40
3. Jesus presented what he had, blessed it and began to give to the people. v41
4. The miracle occurred. v42
Each one of us have different lives and different needs. There is no one formula to answer every need or quench every desire. However, there are some foundational actions and beliefs required when we are in need of a blessing. Miracles do not occur without God. In every account of the miracles of Jesus we learn something. Let this be an opportunity for us to learn and practice what Jesus did. When God recognizes our desire to include him in our lives – he will soon guide us through every situation.
To God be the glory for all he has done!!