When God gives an instruction for us to do something – we often find a way to disobey. The same people who say they love God will disobey God, on several occasions. As I think on this, it comes to mind the many teachings about how everyone cannot go with you. Yet, few people want to live with the reality of leaving the comfort and familiarity of the people they know. The fact remains the same – some family cannot go/grow with you to the next level. Some friends & so-called friends cannot go with you to the next level. Many associates cannot go with you to the next level God has for you. It doesn’t mean God loves your friends, family, and associates any less than he loves you. It means God has a different role for you in your next stage in life and you will need a different support system than you had previously.
When Jesus was addressing the scribes & Pharisees in Mark 7:6-9 he touched on one way people were disobeying his word in relationship to their parents. They valued tradition more than they valued their relationship/obedience to God. Still, many of us do what is not pleasing to God in order to please ourselves & others.
The next time God whispers an instruction or raises a concern about how you manage your connections in life – listen. Sometimes it’s on you to make a change to walk in obedience with God. Other times, it is not yours to initiate. You may be rejected in relationships you once held dear. That’s when God allows the opposition to be the change in your life. Maintain your connection with the Lord. All things are working together for the good of them who love the Lord as you work in your purpose.
God knows best!