In Genesis 1-2 God reveals his loving preparation for all of humanity as he created the earth, the moon, the sun and the stars. His lovingkindness is again revealed when he created fruit and herbs as our food before creating us in his image.
God’s preparation for us to inhabit the earth is very similar to how we prepare for the arrival of a brand new baby. We want everything in place before the baby arrives.
Imagine how God felt when he acknowledged the people he created were evil continually! Yet, Noah found grace. Grace is the best word to describe how God saved one family. We know they were not perfect – yet they found grace from God. Whenever the Lord shows you favor and you do not deserve it – you received grace. Grace steps in when we cannot get for ourselves what God wants us to have. Even though the writer of John declares, “grace was given by Jesus Christ” – grace was shown long before Jesus entered the world as a new born baby. When God favored Noah and his family, the Bible declares Noah received grace.
Genesis 6:8
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
John 1:17
for the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ.
As we enter the last few months of the year – remember to thank God for the grace he has shown throughout the last few months, the last few years, and throughout our lives.
Thank you God for your grace!!