
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
A reward is waiting for you

A reward is waiting for you

Mark 9:1-5

The disciples may have thought they knew all there was to know about Jesus until three of them visited a high mountain with Jesus and witnessed the transfiguration. When Jesus revealed his Spiritual body to them along with the spiritual bodies of Moses and Elijah – they were amazed. So much so, Peter offered to build a place of worship for each one of them. Peter was afraid and didn’t know what else to say.

We can learn many valuable lessons when we observe the life of Jesus Christ. In this case, Jesus was with two major patriarchs of our faith. That may be an indication of the close relationship Moses and Elijah had with God.

A)      They were seen talking with one another. It did not seem unusual for the three of them to be in communion with one another. There is an indication that we are recognizable in our spiritual bodies in the after life.

B)      Since Jesus was present with Moses and Elijah, we can know it is possible for us to appear in the earth realm after our physical life is over.

C)      The underlying truth in the transfiguration is that we are yet alive when we leave the earth realm

As Christians, we believe there is new life after death on this side. Yet, many people believe this life is it and nothing exists for us after our time here. Even long time Christians occasionally question the after life. If you ever doubted the validity of God’s promise, would the doubt be worth losing eternal peace and joy? A few of God’s promises include a mansion, streets of gold, and hearing God say, my child welcome into eternal rest. Surely, you don’t want to miss out on the blessings God has in store for you. Let’s get back to basics. Be strong and of good courage. Keep the faith!

We all have scars

We all have scars

Are you afraid?

Are you afraid?