When God shows up the people are often afraid. We know this because we see the phrase, “Do not be afraid” often in scripture when God shows up. Let’s look at a few times when the Spirit of God shows up and the people are reminded, “Do not be afraid”. We hear the reminder when Gabriel visits Mary to announce Jesus (Luke 1:30), when the disciples witnessed Jesus walking on water(John 6:19-20) and when the angel told Zacharias he would have a son(Luke 1:13).
Perhaps people fear God because they cannot control God. Even though God shows up with a blessing ... it may not appear to be a blessing at that time. God shows up to inform, to protect, to provide, to instruct, to guide, and to reprimand. Imagine how you would have felt if you had been there when the handwriting appeared on the wall (Daniel 5:5-6) or when the donkey talked (Num 22:28-29) or when Peter was freed from jail (Acts 12:7)! When the Spirit of God shows up . . . your reaction may surprise you!!
While we often pray for a move of God – requesting his presence and guidance – few of us are prepared to be in the presence of God without fear. We know God as a reckoning force. As we recall the times God showed up in our personal lives – we may have been afraid . . . but we were glad to receive the promise of God. When we are believing God for his promise – there is no need to fear. God will protect his name and perform his word. Brothers and Sisters there is no need to be afraid if you want God to have his way in your life. We only have a problem when we try to negate the will of God and take full control of our own lives. Let God have his way. Don’t be afraid!