Be a Godsend
John 8:1-11 is not only about a woman who committed adultery. This passage of scripture gives us a view of who God is as well as a view of how people will treat you. This text shows us God’s desire for each one of us. We see God as forgiving and loving and wanting us to succeed – despite the mistakes we have made. (v11) We see God refusing to blame us and offering us another opportunity to do his will.(v10) People are reflected in this passage as wanting to bring us to shame and point a finger at us.(v3-4) People often want to cause us to feel bad about who we are, to accuse us and nail us to a cross. All along, God wants to give us his dream. He never gives up on giving us the opportunity to live his dream. God’s dream is for us to walk with him daily, to find out what he sent us here to do and to get about the business of performing that work.
The Pharisees may not have realized it but they introduced this woman to the goodness of Jesus. She was able to communicate with God and receive instruction for her life. (v10-11). When a person is in communication with God and receives God’s instructions – they are with God. You plus God cannot be defeated! It does not mean success will come to you the first time you try. It means success is imminent. You will eventually succeed in the thing God sent you to do. Your responsibility is to keep at it . . . to not give up . . . to keep going . . . to believe God . . . to walk by faith. Don’t believe in the failures that occur. Believe in the promise that was given!
Glory to the name of Jesus!