The Lenten Season
This past Wednesday the Christian Church recognized Ash Wednesday as the beginning of the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday is a time when we remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross – in many churches the minister uses ashes to make a cross on the forehead of congregants. It is a visual reminder to put your focus on Jesus Christ more than ever over the next 40 days.
The Lenten Season lasts 40 days based on the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert after he was baptized. As Christians, we cannot make the same sacrifice Jesus made – yet we can make a meaningful sacrifice and draw closer to God during this season.
You may hear people talk about fasting from something for Lent. Sometimes people fast from sweets, chocolates, social media, red meat, other things they enjoy. As we are in this Lenten season (the 40 days leading up to the Resurrection Day/Easter celebration) will you consider fasting from something you enjoy? When you use your time during the fast to focus on God in prayer, reading the word, and surrounding yourself with Biblical activities – it will make a difference in your life. Studies have shown that it takes 21 days to establish a habit. Therefore, if you intentionally focus on God for 40 days – you will be well on your way to a blessed communion with God that is bound to show up in your life results. I pray for you to walk with confidence, speak with favor, and move into the blessed life God has in store for you!
Be blessed!