CIUC is an online ministry for God’s children. We have numerous resources in support of home church ministeries, Bible studies, and small churches. We hope to assist you in seeking God’s heart for your everyday life.
In Acts 12 King Herod already had James killed and he planned to do the same thing with Peter. Herod thought they would keep Peter under control in prison but God had another plan. While Peter was chained to two prison guards and heavily protected by even more guards at the prison gate – God sent an angel of mercy to rescue Peter from those who planned to take his life and abort his mission from the Lord.
Peter’s rescue was for his protection. If he had stayed in prison until the Passover – Herod’s plan was to take him before the people and execute him. Herod was driven by ego as he noticed the Jews were pleased when James was killed.(v3)
Peter’s rescue was an answer to prayer because the church prayed fervently for him while he was in prison. (v5) What an example of the power of prayer! When we pray – prayer moves the hand of God. We may not know exactly what God will do but we can be assured of God’s movement in our lives!
Peter’s rescue allowed him to accomplish his purpose in life. When King Herod planned to kill Peter – God stepped in and changed the whole situation. When God spared Peter’s life it did not mean Peter would never die. What it meant was Peter was given the time required to complete his mission in life. Each one of us comes with/is born with a purpose. Peter was to preach the gospel for as long as God saw fit. Herod was not able to hinder God’s plan for Peter’s life. Why? Because there was prayer in the midst of the situation – and the prayer was in agreement with God’s plan!