Noah Had Great Faith
When Noah heard from God (Genesis 6:13-14) he moved in obedience. Noah was determined to do God’s will. The major things he did are as follows:
· He built the ark as God instructed
· He put all living creatures in the ark
· He convinced his family to join him in the ark
· They stayed in the ark and waited 7 days before the rain started!
All of these steps were major victories! Can you imagine doing what Noah did – especially convincing all of the members of your family to get in a boat and wait for rain? How would you respond if one of your family members asked you to wait any place with them for 7 days? Noah’s faith presented some consequences. His neighbors and people from all around, ridiculed Noah as they needled him about this foolish idea of building a big boat. Why would he ever need a boat? It certainly never rained enough for a boat before!
Despite the criticism and ridicule -- Noah was faithful and God was true to his word. It did rain, and rain, and rain. All flesh over the whole earth; not protected in the ark Noah built – perished off the face of the earth. God was saddened as he wiped the slate clean and started all over with Noah’s family to repopulate the earth.
Are you in the ark of safety today? I believe Noah’s story is a preview of how God saves. When our time is up . . . I pray you and I are demonstrations of faith in God. The door to the ark of safety is open. You can still enter in!!!
Be blessed in Jesus name
3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed flesh …nevertheless his days shall yet be a hundred and twenty years.” Genesis 6:3